Savings Opportunities with Upcoming Specialty and Traditional Generics
February 2024

IPD recently released a new report, “Savings Opportunities with Upcoming Specialty and Traditional Generics,” that highlights cost-savings opportunities related to key potential generic launches in 2024, noting drugs with significant sales volume.
The report also includes details on the generic outlook from patent and regulatory perspectives, important considerations for payers from a clinical perspective, and considerations for hospitals/health-systems (where relevant).
Stephanie Tran, a Clinical Pharmacist for IPD, recently stated about the report, “Upcoming generic launches are opportunities for payers to implement changes to drive utilization toward agents losing exclusivity or to enhance generic uptake. Timing and management considerations are important for our subscribers so they can plan ahead of a brand's loss of exclusivity, which can be difficult to determine because of patent litigation.
“For example, IPD has identified that Victoza, a GLP-1 product with annual gross sales over $2B, may potentially lose exclusivity in the next few months. For this product and every other drug covered in the report, we map out specific time frames and the likelihood of launch, how many generic manufacturers have filed ANDAs, and other key considerations, such as estimates of brand price erosion and in-class competitors, so that planning ahead is easier.”