Biosimilar Pipeline Report
December 2024

IPD Analytics has released its Biosimilar Pipeline Report for 1H 2025, which provides an outlook for potential approvals and launches across the biosimilar landscape over the 2025–2028 horizon. In addition, the report examines trends in average sales prices (ASPs) of reference medical-benefit products and provides the full list of biosimilars approved in 2024 to date.
At the time of publication, the FDA has approved 18 new biosimilars in 2024, including biosimilars referencing Stelara, Prolia, Soliris, Eylea, and Actemra. The growing pipeline of near-term biosimilar approvals and launches will further drive use and savings. Lower-cost biosimilars are playing a critical role in controlling drug spend, as biologics continue to be a leading driver of increasing healthcare costs.
As expected, as utilization of biosimilars increases, we note a trend of decreasing average sales prices (ASPs) and net prices for medical- and pharmacy-benefit products, respectively. To gain access to more insights from our Biosimilar Pipeline Report for 1H 2025, register to download.
Subscribers of IPD can use this report as a companion to our online Clinical Development Tracker within our Payer & Provider Insights platform, which provides up-to-date clinical pipeline information on thousands of products across various disease classes and therapeutic areas.